Oligophrenia (idiotija, imbecility, debility), symptoms and treatment of mental retardation

Mental retardation is a condition in which a person a significant decrease in intellectual abilities, so he needs the care and maintenance of any other person, as well as special training. This condition is also called dementia (mental deficiency), and people with mental retardation is mentally defective person. In accordance with iq, this condition can be classified as mild mental retardation (IQ = 50-70), from medium to high (IQ = 20-50), as well as the deep (IQ of less than 20). People, suffering from a slight delay of mental development, often can well adapt to life after they have received the appropriate education and special support. People with moderate or severe mental retardation to adapt to the life you want is a big help, and most often they still remain dependent on other people; for patients with profound mental retardation requires continuous monitoring and attention.

There are many reasons for the delay of mental development, including Down's syndrome, hereditary disorders of metabolism in the body, brain injury, as well as a strong mental shock; in some cases the development of a delay of intellectual development can be prevented or resolved with the help of special medicines.

Idiotija - the most severe dementia almost complete absence of speech and thinking. Perception, apparently, defective, attention is absent or extremely unstable. It is limited to sounds, individual words; patients do not understand addressed speech to them. Children suffering идиотией, do not learn the static and локомоторными skills (with respect to which many of them do not know how to stand and walk or take them with a great delay. Often they can't chew and swallow food непрожеванной, some of them can only eat liquid food.

Imbecility - average degree of dementia. The hero imbetsilov developed more than at the idiocy, but they необучаемы, are disabled, they are available only elementary acts of self-service. Their speech is tongue-tied, with аграмматизмами. They can say simple phrases. The development of static and locomotor functions occurs with a delay, patients develop skills of self-service, for example independently eat. They are simple generalizations, they have some margin of information, formally oriented in the usual worldly atmosphere. Due to the relatively good mechanical memory and passive attention they can acquire basic knowledge. Some imbetsily able to master serial score, know letters, learn simple labor processes (cleaning, laundry, washing dishes, some basic production functions). In this process, the extreme dependence of the poor shifting.

Debility - light degree of dementia. Morons are capable of learning, the acquisition of a simple processes, within certain limits perhaps their social adaptation. Morons in contrast to the hero imbetsilov often have a quite developed speech, in which, however, expressed mimic features, empty momentum. In the behavior they are more adequate and independent, that to some extent masks the weakness of thinking. This contributed to a good manual memory, the tendency to imitation and heightened suggestibility. They have identified the weakness of abstract thinking, the prevalence of specific associations. The transition from simple abstract generalizations to more difficult for them is difficult. Morons trained in the school, at the same time there are sluggishness and inertia, lack of initiative and independence. They acquire mainly concrete knowledge, learning theory they can not.
Treatment of mental retardation

Depends on its cause and is highly symptomatic character. For the improvement of metabolic processes prescribe nootropics, cerebrolysin, glutamic acid, липоцеребрин, spend a vitamin therapy. To reduce intracranial pressure do infusion of magnesia, appoint glycerin, diacarbum.

When a block is used stimulants (sydnocarb, ginseng, chinese magnolia vine, aloe, etc.). At excitation prescribe antipsychotic drugs, if you have seizures - anticonvulsants.

The effectiveness of treatment, the higher than before it started. Have a great importance correctional medical-pedagogical activities (олигофренопедагогика), including the education of mentally retarded children and adolescents in institutions