What is oligophrenia

Oligophrenia (maloumie). Congenital or acquired in the first years of a life, which is reflected in the underdevelopment of the entire psyche, but mainly, intelligence. Causes of mental retardation are different. There are three main groups of etiological factors:

Hereditary (a disease Syndrome, microcephaly is a small skull, etc.).

Factors influencing the intrauterine fetal development (disease and alcoholism mother, reception of various drugs that have harmful effects on the fetus.

Complications during birth (birth trauma, an encirclement of fetal umbilical cord) and heavy disease of early children's age (cranial-brain injuries, neuroinfections).

However, quite often there are cases of mental retardation with obscure reason. Not always PC-gadgets the values in the production (chemical industrial complexes, in agriculture -- herbicides, insecticides, etc.).

Symptoms and course. There are 3 a degree of mental retardation: debility, imbecility and the idiot. The definition of the maloumiya are normally clinical method. Abroad enjoy a certain coefficient, which is determined by the ratio of mental age to actual, multiplied by 100. For example, if the child on tests corresponds to 5 years, and it is actually 10 years, then the ratio will be 50. In norm the value of coefficient varies from 70 to 130 Справка Запорожье During mild mental retardation (debility) the coefficient is 5070, with the average (imbecility) -- 20-50, and in severe (idiocy) -- less than 20.

With all the variety of clinical forms of mental retardation is common to all patients with signs of mental retardation. First, dementia covers not only the underdevelopment of the cognitive process, but also the person as a whole, i.e. suffers perception, memory, attention, speech, motor skills, emotions, will, thinking and intelligence. Help on blogspot Secondly, the leading role in the structure of mental defect belongs to insufficiency of abstract thinking, the inability to generalization. Thinking concrete ,imaginative, situational. It differs poverty stock of words, elementary construction of a phrase, illiteracy. Attention and memory in a relaxed, although it is well developed mechanical memory with selective memory, for example, phone numbers, names, figures. In patients with reduced level of motivation, initiative. The immaturity of the person is shown in the Companion Animals increased suggestibility without logic for understanding the situation , the failure to take adequate decision in the usual everyday situations, insufficient criticality to the condition. Development of the physical also occurs with a delay. Degree of delay and severity of malformations depend on the degree of dementia.
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