Mental illness: imbecility

Imbecility - average degree of dementia. Persons with an imbecility do not give in to training in the school. Their speech is tongue-tied, terse. A set of words is limited (200-300 words). However, such patients acquire the necessary skills of self-service. 

Oligophrenia (idiotija, imbecility, debility), symptoms and treatment of mental retardation

Mental retardation is a condition in which a person a significant decrease in intellectual abilities, so he needs the care and maintenance of any other person, as well as special training. This condition is also called dementia (mental deficiency), and people with mental retardation is mentally defective person. In accordance with iq, this condition can be classified as mild mental retardation (IQ = 50-70), from medium to high (IQ = 20-50), as well as the deep (IQ of less than 20). People, suffering from a slight delay of mental development, often can well adapt to life after they have received the appropriate education and special support. People with moderate or severe mental retardation to adapt to the life you want is a big help, and most often they still remain dependent on other people; for patients with profound mental retardation requires continuous monitoring and attention.

Article about the disorder of mind

Oligophrenia - congenital or early acquired dementia, resulting in the underdevelopment of the intellect and psyche as a whole. Oligophrenia - not прогредиентный process, as a result of illness. The degree of mental deficiency is estimated quantitatively using the intellectual coefficient on the standard psychological tests. Mental retardation are often accompanied by defects of the physical development.

Etiology. Causes of mental retardation may be:
hereditary factors, including the pathology of the reproductive cells of parents (to this group of mental retardation are a disease Syndrome, true microcephaly, энзимопатические form);
intrauterine defeat of the embryo and fetus (hormonal disorders, rubella and other viral infections, congenital syphilis, toxoplasmosis);
the harmful factors of perinatal period and the first 3 years of life (the fetus and newborn asphyxia, birth trauma, immunological incompatibility of the blood of the mother and fetus - conflict rhesus-factor, head trauma in early childhood, childhood infections, congenital hydrocephalus).

What is oligophrenia

Oligophrenia (maloumie). Congenital or acquired in the first years of a life, which is reflected in the underdevelopment of the entire psyche, but mainly, intelligence. Causes of mental retardation are different. There are three main groups of etiological factors:

Hereditary (a disease Syndrome, microcephaly is a small skull, etc.).

Factors influencing the intrauterine fetal development (disease and alcoholism mother, reception of various drugs that have harmful effects on the fetus.